Friday, April 12, 2013

Sir Butters Guido Furrsington

So guess who had a vet visit yesterday.

(That's Sir Butters Guido Furrsington. He is of the Orange Medium Haired Jerk Cat breed).

He was good cat though, no biting or scratching. Which left me surprised.

I don't know if I told you, and I'm too lazy to go back and look, but Sir Butters, (or just Butters) had been puking for 2 days straight almost non-stop. It actually hurt because, ya know, he's mah babeh. And he was hungry, so he'd eat then immediately evacuate. After he threw up each time, he'd come and cuddle on my lap like some cute sick monster and beg for attention. Which I gave him because I am what is known as a pushover for animals.

SO yesterday I took him to the vet who poke and prodded and stuck things in orifices, 

(actual photo)

And they deduced that he had tapeworms but from asking others, that isn't why he is barfing.

The vet was nice, he did say that aside from the tapeworms, Butters was a model example of a healthy cat. SO take note y'all.

This has got to be the most mundane blog post EVARRR. But I'm finding that frequency is the key to consistency. For now.

By the way, current weight: 226. Still a failure. Still trying.

Yours Truly,

The Inconsistent Gal

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