Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Journey to Being Disciplined Begins....later....

Greetings internet strangers!

I'm India Marie (not really, I don't just give out my name, le duh) and I'm new to this whole bloggy scene. 

I know I arrived about 10 years late but I'd like to think I did it fashionably. I won't tell you my real name but I'll tell you something a bit more personal. I have absolutely NO discipline in anything I do. That's the whole idea behind this blog. I feel as if maybe if I poured my emotions (to strangers, of course), I can work on this problem myself. This is probably the single factor that's holding me back from inevitable greatness. This is the problem that prevents me from growing spiritually, emotionally, it keeps me fat, lazy and unhappy. When I say fat let me explain: Really truly fat, overweight, past the obese mark on your BMI chart fat. Not "OMG i really wanna lose 6 lbs!" (well I do...6 + 74) I am TRULY a fat gal. The fatness is actually what got me thinking about blogging about it. I was looking at pictures of all these people who lost so much weight (must be something in the water i'm not gettin) and thinking "why not me?" :( I even made that face. And I know exactly why. My lack of discipline allows me to be lazy. And I have no self control when it comes to food. 


Today is April 2, 2013. I am challenging myself. Currently my home scale reads: 227lbs

(guys, seriously? stop laughing.)

By March 1, 2013, My scale should read 217lbs or less. But 217 is awesome as well.

(I made the higher poundage in red because red means bad >:( while that light blue feels light which is what 217 is compared to 227. Ya dig?)

Wish me luck citizens of Internetland.

Yours Truly,

The Inconsistent Gal

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